Website © Gary Rooksby 2008-2014. Email:

On two nights of camp we split into two teams - Campers and Leaders. Each night one team goes to the boundary of the camp site while the other team sets up guard patrols. Working in groups of at least three the attacking team members try to make their way back to the centre of the camp without being caught. We spend time during the preceding day doing a risk assessment and carrying out work to minimise risks but even so Night Attack is always an activity that is talked about excitedly during camp and for years afterwards.

All former campers can recall funny anecdotes about occurrences during Night Attack, whether it’s Trevor doing a “Superman” vault over a very high dry stone wall to avoid some cows or Uncle Keith scaring the camp guards with ghost noises from the woods whilst the other leaders won the pub quiz at the Miners’ Arms! Earlier years’ campers may also remember the special “code word” that was shouted before the camp was stormed by all attackers simultaneously after a silent build up. That night everybody got back successfully!  :-)

Some photos from previous trips:

Night Attack