Website © Gary Rooksby 2008-2014. Email:

If you would like to offer some of your photographs for use on the website then please fill in the form below to let us know. If you have them in digital form (JPG, BMP or any alternative) then that would save us a lot of time but even if you have the more traditional physical photographs then we would be glad to view and consider them for inclusion on the website. If they are originals then we would come to an arrangement for the careful use of them, subject to a receipt being issued to you. We will scan them and return them immediately. This was how we collated the photographs from the 1940's through to the 1990's.

To access pictures in the various sections of this site you need a login account and password so please complete the password access request on this page.

The passwords will change occasionally as part of our security policy.

Fields, below, marked with an asterisk are mandatory.

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